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Intro to Gardening & Permaculture Course - August 13th & 14th

Updated: May 20

Are you ready to unearth the secrets of sustainable living through gardening and permaculture? Our upcoming "Intro to Gardening & Permaculture Course" is designed exclusively for beginners, enthusiasts, and anyone eager to delve into the world of eco-friendly cultivation.

Embark on a Green Journey: Our two-day course, scheduled for August 13th & 14th, spread out over consecutive two days, invites you to the serene landscapes of Mlango Farm. Learn from amidst the lush surroundings as we guide you through the fundamentals of gardening and permaculture.

This two-day course is intentionally spaced out to allow immediate practical application after the first day. You'll have the chance to implement the learnings in your kitchen garden after the course. Share your experiences, challenges, and triumphs, fostering a communal atmosphere where we all learn and grow together. Our aim is to build a supportive community by the course's end, nurturing each other's gardening journeys.

Where: Mlango Farm, Thingati A, Ngecha village  

When: August 13th & 14th (two day course)

Costs for the two day package is KSH 9,000

-inclusive of a wholesome meal at Mlango Farm

Time: 9:30am - 4pm

What to Expect:

  • Practical Hands-on Learning: Dive into an immersive experience at Mlango Farm. Gain practical insights, discover sustainable techniques, and apply your newfound knowledge in real-time.

  • Vibrant Course Curriculum: Explore fundamentals of sustainable gardening using permaculture techniques from companion planting, soil enrichment, water management and more. Discover the art of plant selection, integration, and maintenance within urban settings.

  • Empowerment Through Knowledge: Acquire problem-solving skills and environmental awareness. Understand how your gardening choices impact the ecosystem and the planet.

The course schedule is as follows:

Day 1 - Tuesday, August 13th

- Farm Tour of Mlango Farm

- An intro to Gardening & Permaculture

- Fundamentals of Super HEALTHY Soil

- Water Management (natural techniques

- Good Design Practices ; garden beds & planting techniques

- Upkeep & Maintenance

- Tips and Tricks

Day 2 - Wednesday, August 14th

- Interact with we have experienced so far

- More Soil Building Fundamentals

- Manage weeds, pests and diseases organically, no chemicals needed (IPM)

- Composting and practical

- Upkeep & Maintenance

Who Can Join: Whether you're a beginner or an eager enthusiast, our course welcomes all passionate about cultivating a greener lifestyle. From city dwellers to aspiring gardeners, everyone can find value in this enlightening journey. Feel free to send your staff and gardeners on our course as well.

Your Ticket to Sustainability Awaits: Experience the joy of growing your food, creating sustainable environments, and embracing nature's beauty. Join us in this enriching course and take a significant step towards a more eco-conscious lifestyle.

Ready to Join Us? Enroll now and embark on this transformative gardening odyssey! Don't miss the chance to become a part of our budding community dedicated to sustainable living.

Our courses have brought over 100 participants together from different backgrounds. Read some of their testimonials below:

"I highly recommend the 2-day permaculture course to beginners seeking a solid foundation. It offers essential basics adaptable to various circumstances. Mlango Farm provided the ideal setting, allowing practical, hands-on experience in a real-world environment." - Smriti S. (August 2023)

"First and foremost as the gardener attending this course all the way from Narok County, I really appreciated the team for providing the space and encouraging all gardeners to share each other's stories as it was helpful to others. The team taught us many different techniques on how to manage and control the pests either by traditional ways. We hope to keep being introduced to many courses which benefit us. Community Permaculture can shifts our people from pesticide to the more natural ways of farming." ~ Daniel, Narok (Cohort 4, 2023)

"This course was a great intro to the world of permaculture. It was a great mix of people, experiences and backgrounds. I would highly recommend to anyone wanting to explore this topic." - Olivia (August 2023)

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